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João Carlos dos Santos is interim Director-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC). The DGPC is responsible for managing, safeguarding, enhancing, conserving and restoring the immovable, moveable and intangible heritage in Portugal and developing and implementing its museum policy.

A qualified architect, João Carlos dos Santos joined the DGPC in 2013 as a Deputy Director-General, was interim Director-General for Cultural Heritage between October 2015 and January 2016, holds a Master of Architectural Pathology and Restoration and is a PhD student in Architectural Heritage. João Carlos dos Santos takes part in different committees such as the National Council for Culture and the Fund for Safeguarding the Cultural Heritage, is a member of the Coordinating Council for Managing State Property and integrated the Drafting Committee of the National Policy on Architecture and Landscape, among others. He coordinated major architectural restoration projects, received several awards and honours, produced many architectural publications and represented Portugal and the DGPC in several national and international fora.

He has been a lecturer in architectural restoration in different universities across the country.

A little bit of history

A European Heritage Summit was first organized in London on 26–28 April 2006 by Dr. Simon Thurley, former Chief Executive Officer of English Heritage. The mission of the Summit was to gather for the first time the European cultural heritage leaders who had the opportunity to exchange their experience and initiate common actions. It was attended by 23 European states which agreed in the Final Statement to continue to meet annually as a forum of European heritage heads, known as the “European Heritage Heads Forum”. Future hosting countries are chosen by general agreement at the annual meeting.

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