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Born in 1984 in Malta, Kurt Farrugia graduated in Archaeology from the University of Malta. Having worked for 12 years at the Planning Authority, where he was involved in assessing developments within historical urban cores, as well as major developments. In 2018 he was transferred to the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage as a Head of Unit responsible for Heritage Planning Consultations as well as Underwater and Movable Cultural Heritage. This role provided a broader view on cultural heritage as all development planning applications submitted at the Planning Authority were received and scrutinised by the Superintendence, making recommendations and observations. The leading of underwater cultural heritage and movable cultural heritage, involving movement, illicit trade and restoration, enabled the better understanding of cultural heritage, as well as spearheading a number of administrative changes. In late 2020, he was appointed as Superintendent of Cultural Heritage. He is also a member of a number of national committees, such as National Archives Council, Conservators/Restorers Warrants Board, Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee and Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.

A little bit of history

A European Heritage Summit was first organized in London on 26–28 April 2006 by Dr. Simon Thurley, former Chief Executive Officer of English Heritage. The mission of the Summit was to gather for the first time the European cultural heritage leaders who had the opportunity to exchange their experience and initiate common actions. It was attended by 23 European states which agreed in the Final Statement to continue to meet annually as a forum of European heritage heads, known as the “European Heritage Heads Forum”. Future hosting countries are chosen by general agreement at the annual meeting.

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