“Changes in Rural Heritage”
Welcome Speech by DG for Culture
Programme 2011
Cees van ‘t VEEN (The Netherlands)
“Opening speech”
Ben de VRIES (The Netherlands)
“Depopulation: an opportunity or a threat to Dutch heritage”
Jørn HOLME (Norway)
“Cooperation between Nature and Culture Directorates”
Juris DAMBIS (Latvia)
“Interrelation of heritage and contemporary creativity in landscape of Latvia”
Paulina FLORJANOWICZ (Poland)
“Rural heritage in Poland: asset or burden?”
Brigitte MYLE (Belgium)
“Reflection Group update”
“HEREIN (International Association of European Heritage Network)”
Cees van’t VEEN (The Netherlands)
“Keynote speech”
Leonard de Wit – President of the European Archaeological Council (EAC) “EAC, Presentation and update on the latest activities”
Arie OSKAM (The Netherlands)
“Social economic developments in rural Europe”
Alfredas Jomantas (Lithuania)
“Monitoring Group on cultural heritage in the Baltic Sea States”
Hans RENES (The Netherlands)
“Keynote speech”
Jasper ESHUIS (The Netherlands)
“Revitalizing heritage and regions through branding”
Jürgen KUNOW (Germany)
“The impact of modern agriculture on the subterranean archaeological heritage in Germany”
Anne Mette RAHBAEK (Denmark)
“Dealing with the Consequences of Structural Change in Rural Areas in Denmark”
Henk BAAS (The Netherlands)
“Cultural landscapes and nature, how to deal with one another”
Judith TOEBAST (The Netherlands)
“Re-use of historic farms in the Netherlands”
Inger LILIEQUIST (Sweden)
“Changes in rural heritage: New lives – new landscapes”
Stephen TROW (England)
“A strategic approach to managing traditional farm buildings: a perspective from England”
Final Statement 2011
Original versions with higher resolutions are available upon request to the EHHF Secretariat: secretariat@ehhf.yellowpimento.com.
The first European Heritage Summit was organised in London from April 26 to 28, 2006 by Dr Simon Thurley, former Chief Executive of English Heritage. The mission of the summit was to bring together for the first time those responsible for Europe's cultural heritage, to create an opportunity to exchange experiences in heritage management and to initiate joint action. The first summit brought together 23 European countries, who agreed in the summit's final declaration to continue to meet annually in the form of a European Heritage Heads Forum. Each year, future host countries are chosen by mutual agreement at the annual meeting, so that the tradition can continue.

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