MONDAY, 24th MAY 2021
“Fika”, you said?
The EHHF first experienced Fika in Stockholm in 2019. Often described as an informal breack with coffee and pastries, it is a true institution in Sweden, and it is very popular in the work space. The perfect way to meet-up before summer, and to keep our Forum alive!
Where and When?
On Zoom, the secretariat will share the access details with registered participants only.
When: Monday, 24th May 2021
16:00 – 17:30 UTC+2
Any questions? Feel free to contact
Last year, and after we had to postpone the Tallinn Meeting for the first time, we had the pleasure to experience a first Virtual Fika. 15 member-administrations of the EHHF gathered digitally to share an informal moment with their European counterparts.
We are all longing for the next time we will be able to meet again in the same room, but until Estonia in September, let us keep this friendly atmosphere up and running, and by all means!
Welcome to the second EHHF Virtual Fika 😉
Siim Raie
Director General
National Heritage Board
of Estonia
“Dear all,
We look very much forward to meeting with all of you again.
Registration for the Tallinn meeting (8-10 September 2021) will open soon.
All the best,
The first European Heritage Summit was organised in London from April 26 to 28, 2006 by Dr Simon Thurley, former Chief Executive of English Heritage. The mission of the summit was to bring together for the first time those responsible for Europe's cultural heritage, to create an opportunity to exchange experiences in heritage management and to initiate joint action. The first summit brought together 23 European countries, who agreed in the summit's final declaration to continue to meet annually in the form of a European Heritage Heads Forum. Each year, future host countries are chosen by mutual agreement at the annual meeting, so that the tradition can continue.
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