Conference: Building a climate resilient heritage future together

Climate Change Emergencies & Cultural Heritage Talks
Building a climate resilient heritage future together
5 March at 18.00 CET,  online

Session 10 of the ongoing Climate Change Emergencies & Cultural Heritage Speaker Series from CIFAL York.

Speaker: Dr. Deniz Ikiz Kaya, Assistant Professor in Heritage & Climate Change, TU/e, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands.

Topic: Building a climate resilient heritage future together: Inclusive and participatory processes for impact assessment and climate adaptation planning of coastal heritage

The purpose of this monthly speaker series is to provide a platform for heritage profesionals.

CIFAL York also aims to mobilize existing knowledge and capacities in climate change and cultural heritage and develop some training and education. In particular CIFAL York is partnering with other organizations and stakeholders at regional, provincial, national, and international levels to achieve this and create new and innovative training around ESG based on leading interdisciplinary research from all relevant fields.



  • Executives and leaders
  • Cultural heritage professionals
  • Cultural heritage managers and policy makers
  • Graduate and undergraduate students
  • Professors and researchers

The first European Heritage Summit was organised in London from April 26 to 28, 2006 by Dr Simon Thurley, former Chief Executive of English Heritage. The mission of the summit was to bring together for the first time those responsible for Europe's cultural heritage, to create an opportunity to exchange experiences in heritage management and to initiate joint action. The first summit brought together 23 European countries, who agreed in the summit's final declaration to continue to meet annually in the form of a European Heritage Heads Forum. Each year, future host countries are chosen by mutual agreement at the annual meeting, so that the tradition can continue.


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