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Calendrier des événements passés et futurs

Événements à venir

Il n'y a pas de futur événement pour le moment.

Événements passés

The Challenges of Contemporary European Heritage Care

The Challenges of Contemporary European Heritage Care

Date: 09/11/2022 - 11/11/2022

On the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the National Heritage Institute has the pleasure of inviting you to the upcoming International Conference The Challenges of Contemporary European Heritage Care, scheduled to take place on Wednesday to Friday, November 9-10, 2022 at the New Building of the National Museum, Prague

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Inclusive Communication for the Heritage Sector

Inclusive Communication for the Heritage Sector

Date: 11/01/2023Lieu: online

On the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the National Heritage Institute has the pleasure of inviting you to the upcoming International Conference The Challenges of Contemporary European Heritage Care, scheduled to take place on Wednesday to Friday, November 9-10, 2022 at the New Building of the National Museum, Prague

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Cultural Heritage as the Target and Victim of War: First-hand reports from Ukraine

Cultural Heritage as the Target and Victim of War: First-hand reports from Ukraine

Date: 14/02/2023Lieu: online

On the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the National Heritage Institute has the pleasure of inviting you to the upcoming International Conference The Challenges of Contemporary European Heritage Care, scheduled to take place on Wednesday to Friday, November 9-10, 2022 at the New Building of the National Museum, Prague

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The Sense of Contemporary Architecture in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage

The Sense of Contemporary Architecture in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Date: 29/05/2023 - 31/05/2023Lieu: Wagner House, Riga, 4 Riharda Vāgnera Street

As part of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of Europe, the National Heritage Board of Latvia is organizing an international conference "The Sense of Contemporary Architecture in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage" which will take place in Riga on 29-31 May. It is often the case that the architectural heritage is damaged by the architectural sector itself, but there are also many success stories where high-quality contemporary architecture contributes to the preservation and re-use of cultural heritage.

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Le premier Sommet Européen pour le Patrimoine (European Heritage Summit) a été organisé à Londres du 26 au 28 avril 2006 par le Dr Simon Thurley, ancien directeur général de l'Agence anglaise pour l'héritage (English Heritage). La mission du sommet était de rassembler pour la première fois les responsables du patrimoine culturel européen, de créer une opportunité d'échanger sur leurs expériences en matière de gestion du patrimoine et d'initier des actions communes. Le premier sommet a réuni 23 États européens qui ont convenu, dans la déclaration finale du sommet, de continuer à se réunir chaque année sous la forme d'un forum des responsables du patrimoine européen, connu sous l'appellation « European Heritage Heads Forum ». Chaque année, les futurs pays hôtes sont choisis d'un commun accord lors de la réunion annuelle, afin que la tradition puisse se perpétuer.

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