Slide 1

9th annual meeting
21-23 May 2014

“Cultural Heritage in Urban Context:

Threats and Opportunities”

The 9th EHHF Annual Meeting was jointly held in Leuven by all three Belgian regional authorities: Brussels’ Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Flanders’ Heritage Agency and the Wallonian Heritage Agency


Letter from the Belgian hosts

List of Participants

Brochure 2014


Luc-Emile BOUCHE-FLORIN, President, European Council of Spatial Planners
“Considering Urban Heritage in Spatial Planning context”

Mechtild ROSSLER, Deputy Director of UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre
“The UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape”

Cees Van ‘t VEEN, Director of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
“The Benefits of Heritage in an urban context”

Pierre PAQUET, Inspector General, Belgium-Wallonia
“Keynote address”

Pilar Barraca de RAMOS, International Coordinator for the Spanish Cultural Heritage in the Ministry of Culture
“Easter in Seville”
Terje NYPAN, Senior Councellor at Riksantikvaren (Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage)
“The Government High Rise”
Nikoletta Divari-VALAKOU, Head of the Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities (Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports)
“Unified Archaeological Sites of Athens”
Martin COLREAVY, Principal Advisor, Built Heritage and Architectural Policy (Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht)
“Shaping the Future_Heritage Led Regeneration”
Ann DEGRAEVE, Chair of the Archaeological Archiving Working Party, European Archaeological Council
“Archaeology in an urban historical context – (Workshop session)”
David TOMBACK, Development Economics Director, English Heritage
“Contemporary architecture in urban historical context – (Workshop session)”
Dominique ALBA, Director, Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme
“Amélioration des performances énergétiques du bâti ancien de la Région Bruxelles-Capitale – (Workshop session)”
Assessora Angela VETTESE, Tourism Councillor of Venice
“Tourism in Venice – (Workshop session)”

Excursion to WATERLOO Battlefield, Organised by the Guides 1815 of the Champ de bataille Waterloo”

Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the European Council
“Address in La Ramée Abbey (Jodoigne)”

Sonja VANBLAERE, Administrator General of the Flanders Heritage Agency
“Address in La Ramée Abbey (Jodoigne)”

Simon THURLEY, Chief Executive of English Heritage
“Address in La Ramée Abbey (Jodoigne)”

Matthias RIPP, Regional coordinator North-West Europe
“Organisation of World Heritage Cities”


Final Conclusions 2014

Due to the size of the Pdfs, some files had to be compressed to be displayed on the website.
Original versions with higher resolutions are available upon request to the EHHF Secretariat:

The first European Heritage Summit was organised in London from April 26 to 28, 2006 by Dr Simon Thurley, former Chief Executive of English Heritage. The mission of the summit was to bring together for the first time those responsible for Europe's cultural heritage, to create an opportunity to exchange experiences in heritage management and to initiate joint action. The first summit brought together 23 European countries, who agreed in the summit's final declaration to continue to meet annually in the form of a European Heritage Heads Forum. Each year, future host countries are chosen by mutual agreement at the annual meeting, so that the tradition can continue.


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