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Standing committeEs

European Heritage Legal Forum

Chair: Ms Tove Elise Ihler
Senior Adviser
Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage

Tove Elise Ihler is Senior Legal Advisor at the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage and chair of the European Heritage Legal Forum. In parallel, she is also chairperson of SN/K 261, an active standardization committee in Norway that focuses on Cultural Heritage. Tove holds a full Law degree and a Candidate Magister degree in history, environmental law and development studies, specializing in African history and African studies.

The European Heritage Legal Forum (EHLF) was founded in 2008 following the EHHF annual meeting held in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Heads agreed in their Final Statement to the creation of a sub-committee to improve their capacity for early identification of EU legislation which may cause a potential threat to cultural heritage. A forum of legal experts and policy officers appointed by the national competent authorities was subsequently formed which reports to the EHHF.

The mission of the EHLF is to ensure that relevant information on the development and potential consequences of proposed legislation developed by the European Union is circulated in a timely manner to heritage state authorities. In addition to this monitoring task, the EHLF may make recommendations to the EHHF for revised wording of the draft legislation and possible exemptions for cultural heritage.

The EHLF operational guidelines were reviewed in 2019 in Berlin. The European Heritage Legal Forum gathers once or twice a year in average and is currently chaired by Ms Tove Ihler (Norway). For the period 2023-2025, the members nominated a new secretariat composed of Ms Vera Ameels (Belgium/Flandres), Mr Jacek Buonaventura Brudnicki (Poland), Ms Juha Maaperä (Finland) and Ms Margarita Cruz (Spain).


Adopted in Berlin on April 24th, 2019.

1. Task

1.1 To ensure that improved and timely information on the development and consequences of legal acts developed by the European Union which may impact on cultural heritage are conveyed to the national competent authorities.

1.2 To follow and review developments in EU policies of relevance to cultural heritage and inform the national competent authorities.

1.3 At the request of National experts, to share best practice and challenges on national legislation and management practices that impact on cultural heritage.

2. Mandate

2.1 The EHLF is a standing committee of the European Heritage Heads Forum (EHHF). The actions of the EHLF are restricted to information gathering and the impact assessment of EU legislation and EU policy development regarding cultural heritage and communicating them to relevant parties.

2.2 The EHLF is not a legal entity and has no budget.

2.3 The EHLF may not, as a body, undertake political lobbying activities. Such activity remains the prerogative of the national competent authority and their national governments.

2.4 Individual EHLF members may, as representatives of their national administrations, undertake independent or joint political lobbying activities if and when these are part of their national authority competencies.

2.5 The EHLF operating guidelines will be reviewed at least every 5 years.

3. Membership

3.1 Members of the EHLF are mandated by their national competent authorities.

3.2 Members of the EHLF report to their national competent authorities.

4. Requirements

4.1 Members should have competence in cross-sectorial cooperation within their national administrations and be able to access necessary technical expertise in their country.

4.2 Members should communicate their actions at the national level as appropriate related to relevant EU legislation and EU policy development to the EHLF.

4.3 Members should undertake to initiate and facilitate impact assessment at the national level of planned and existing EU legislation and EU policy development affecting cultural heritage.

4.4 Members should communicate and disseminate information as appropriate on their impact assessment results through their competent authorities to the EHLF.

4.5 Members are encouraged to enhance the mutual exchange of information related to EU policies of relevance to cultural heritage and their best practices in the transposition process.

4.6 Members participate in an annual meeting.

4.7 Members are eligible to be appointed to the Secretariat.

4.8 Members are responsible for organising that their own costs are met for work on monitoring, impact assessment and information gathering as related to EHLF and any such costs associated with their participation in meetings.

5. Secretariat

5.1 The members of the EHLF nominate a secretariat to administrate and coordinate the work.

5.2 The secretariat members are nominated for four years and constitute themselves.

5.3 The secretariat should be composed of representatives of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 member countries.

5.4 The secretariat organises the EHLF meetings in collaboration with the hosting entity. Secretariat meetings are open to all EHLF members.

5.5 The secretariat organises the operation of the EHLF network in cooperation with the EHHF Secretariat.

Background documents

European Legislation and Cultural Heritage 2006


Effects of European Union Legislation on the Built Cultural Heritage 2009


Cultural Heritage and Legal aspects in Europe 2010


EU Directives Screened by the EHLF (2015)


The first European Heritage Summit was organised in London from April 26 to 28, 2006 by Dr Simon Thurley, former Chief Executive of English Heritage. The mission of the summit was to bring together for the first time those responsible for Europe's cultural heritage, to create an opportunity to exchange experiences in heritage management and to initiate joint action. The first summit brought together 23 European countries, who agreed in the summit's final declaration to continue to meet annually in the form of a European Heritage Heads Forum. Each year, future host countries are chosen by mutual agreement at the annual meeting, so that the tradition can continue.


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